The objects in this category are a part of our collection. If any items that interest you does not appear here please feel free to contact us.

The Book: Sporting Guns by Richard Akehurst. 135 illustrations in colour & black and white. 96 pages. Price 25 euro.

The Book: Notes on Small and Medium Caliber Military Cartridges by J. Lenselink - W.D. de Hek. 205 pages. Price 125 euro.


The unused complete set of 6 books from the Visser Collection, total 3330 pages. Price 595 euro.

The Book: Nederlandse Vuurwapens Landmacht, Marine en Koloniale troepen 1813-1866. By B.J. Martens/ G. de Vries. 280 pages. Price 40 euro.

The Book: Nederlandse Vuurwapens Landmacht, Marine en Koloniale troepen 1866-1895. By B.J. Martens/ G. de Vries. 2872 pages. Price 40 euro.

The Book: Pistolen und Revolver der Schweiz seit 1720. Kriss Reinhart/Jürg A. Meier. 265 pages. Price 125 euro

The Book: Waffen des Abendlandes by Alfred P. Zeller. 159 pages. Price 15 euro.

The Book: UURWERKEN by A.A. De Boer. 148 pages. Price 15 euro.

The Book: De Grote Veldslagen by Cyril Falls. 304 pages. Price 25 euro.

The Book: Handguns A collector's Guide to Pistols and Revolvers from 1850 to the present by Frederick Wilkinson. 112 pages. Price 25 euro.

The Book: Rifles and Pistols by Jeremy Flack. 96 pages. Price 15 euro

The Book of Guns & Gunsmiths by Anthony North and Ian V Hogg. 255 pages. Price 25 euro.

The Book: Musket, Roer & Pistolet, 17e-eeuws wapenhandwerk in de lage landen. By J.B. Kist. Texts simultaneously in English and German. 176 pages. Price 20 euro.

The set of Books: Watchmakers & Clockmakers of the World by G.H. Baillie. 2 Volumes, 650 pages. Price 30 euro

The set of Books: Firearms Past and Present, A complete review of Firearms systems and their Histories. By Jaroslav Lugs. 2 Volumes in original box. 1150 pages. Price 50 euro.

The Book: Military Rifle & Machine Gun Cartridges by Jean Huon. 378 pages. Price 30 euro.

The Book: Antique Guns in colour 1250-1865 by Robert Wilkinson-Latham. 215 pages. Price 25 euro.

The Book: French Pistols and Sporting Guns by A. N. KENNARD. 64 Pages. Price 20 euro

The Book: Arms and Armour by Stephen V. Grancsay. 45 pages. Price 15 euro.

The Book: De Geschiedenis van het Wapen der Koninklijke Marechaussee. Mr. W. van den Hoek, 500+ pages. Price 20 euro

The Book: Pistolen en Revolvers ENCYCLOPEDIE by A. E. Hartink. 272 pages. Price 15 euro.

The Book: Prunkwaffen , Waffen und Rüstungen aus dem Historischen Museum Dresden. Johannes Schöbel. 255 pages. Price 30 euro

The Book: VUURWAPENS van 1840 tot heden. J. Lenselink. 255 pages. Price 25 euro

The Book: VUURWAPENS Majoor F. Myatt, M.C. 216 pages. Price 25 euro

The Book: Samuel Colt Arms, Art, and invention by Herbert G. Houze. WITHOUT DUSKJACKET. 260 pages. Price 49 euro

The book Die schonsten Waffen und Rustungen, 251 pages. Price 55 euro

The Book: Luger: The Multi - National Pistol by Charles Kenyon, Jr. ( Author of Lugers at random) 187 pages. Price 75 euro.

The book The Complete Collector's & Traders Guide GUNS OF THE WORLD By Hans Tanner, Robert I. Young, Al Hall, Harris Bierman, Allen Bishop, Terrence S. Parsons and Steven L. Fuller. 400 pages. Price 35 euro.

The Book of Colt Firearms by R.L. Wilson. 609 pages. In very good condition. Price 165 euro.

The Catalogue: Richard A Bourne Co. Inc. Presents The Karl F. Moldenhauer Collection of Remington Arms. 382 lot nr's. In very good condition. Price 40 euro.

The Book: Samuel Colt's Revolver und Derringer ab 1871 Band 2.by Günther Schmitt. 86 pages. In very good condition. Price 25 euro.

The Book: Cartridges of the World, 3rd Edition. By Frank C. Barnes and John T. Amber. 400 pages. In good condition. Price 20 euro

The Book: Antique Firearms assembly/disassembly, the Comprehensive Guide to Pistols, Rifles & Shotguns. By David R. Chicoine. 527 pages. In very good condition. Price 25 euro

The Book: GUNFIGHTERS by COLONEL CHARLES ASKINS. 292 Pages. In very good condition. Price 25 euro

The Book: Kunstwerke in Stahl, Meisterstücke Amerikanischer Graveure und Büchsenmacher by R.L.Wilson. 382 pages. In very good condition. Price 75 euro.

The Book: Marlin Firearms, A History of the Guns and the Company that made them. By LT. COL. WILLIAMS S. BROPHY, USAR, RET. 696 pages. In very good condition. Price 75 euro.

The Book: The Guns of Remington, Historic Firearms Spanning Two Centuries by Howard M. Madaus & Paul Goodwin. 332 pages. In very good condition. Price 125 euro.

The Book: COLT'S VARIATIONS of the OLD MODEL POCKET PISTOL 1848 to 1872 By P.L. SHUMAKER. 150 Pages. In very good condition. Price 50 euro.

The Book: COLONEL COLT LONDON, The history of Colt's London firearms, 1851-1857, by Joseph G. Rosa. 216 pages. In very good condition. Price 100 euro.

The Book: Remington Firearms: The Golden Age of Collecting by Robert W.D.Ball. 193 pages. In very good condition. Price 60 euro.

The Book: COLT FIREARMS from 1836 by James E. Serven. 400 pages. In very good condition. Price 60 euro.

The Book: The Collecting of Guns by James E. Serven. 272 pages. In very good condition. Price 40 euro.

The book: The K98K Rifle, propaganda photo series Vol. 1. 152 pages. In very good condition. Price 25 euro.

The book: The P08 Luger Pistol, propaganda photo series Vol.3. 152 pages. In very good condition. Price 25 euro.

The book: The MKb 42, MP43, MP44 and the Sturmgewehr 44, propaganda photo series Vol.4. 152 pages. In very good condition. Price 25 euro.

The book: The MG34 Machinegun, propaganda photo series. Vol.6. 152 pages. In very good condition. Price 25 euro.

The Book: REVOLVERS & PISTOLEN by Majoor Frederick Myatt, M.C. 207 pages. In very good condition. Price 25 euro.

The Book: Wapens en Wapenrustinge by Frederick Wilkinson. 156 pages. In very good condition. Price 25 euro

The Book LES ARMES A FUE FRANCAISES by DOMINIQUE VENNER. 340 pages. In very good condition. Price 25 euro

The book: Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Historisches Museum Dresden. 58 pages. In very good condition. Price 10 euro

The book FIREARMS OF THE AMERICAN WEST 1866-1894 by LOUIS A GARAVAGLIA and CHARLES G WORMAN. 413 pages. Price 75 euro.

The Book: Harnische, Historisches Museum Dresden. 72 pages. In very good condition. Price 10 euro.

The Book: Österreichische Florenzhilfe Waffen, Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien, Waffensammlung in der neuen Burg. 137 pages. In very good condition. Price 15 euro

The book COLT REVOLVERS AND THE TOWER OF LONDON by Joseph G. Rosa. 72 pages. Price 25 euro.
The unused book ANTIKE HELME, Sammlung Lipperheide, 550 pages. Price 65 euro

The book UNITED STATES FIREARMS, THE FIRST CENTURY, 1776-1875 by David F. Butler. 250 pages. Price 60 euro.

The book Handvuurwapens toen en nu by Frederick Wilkinson. 256 pages. Price 35 euro.

The book ALLES OVER GEWEREN by Olivier Achard. 141 pages. Price 25 euro.

The book FIREARMS a collector's guide: 1326-1900 by Jan Durdík, Miroslav Mudra and Miroslav Sáda. 248 pages. Price 30 euro.

The book De Nederlandse INFANTERIE by H. Ringoir. 120 pages. Price 10 euro.

The book DER PERKUSSIONS - REVOLVER by Günther Schmitt. 152 pages. Price 35 euro.

The book GEÏLLUSTREERDE ANTIEKE WAPENS ENCYCLOPEDIE by A.E. Hartink. 240 pages. Price 10 euro.

The book ENCYCLOPEDIE VAN WAPENS. Met meer dan 2500 illustraties. 320 pages. Price 45 euro.

The book ANTIEKE VUURWAPENS by R.T.W. Kempers. 237 pages. Price 20 euro.

The set of books FEUERWAFFEN I & II by Arne Hoff. 777 pages. Price 100 euro.

The book The Complete Collector's & Traders Guide GUNS OF THE WORLD By Hans Tanner, Robert I. Young, Al Hall, Harris Bierman, Allen Bishop, Terrence S. Parsons and Steven L. Fuller. 400 pages. Price 30 euro.

The book THE GUN COLLECTOR'S FACT BOOK By Louis William Steinwedel. 217 pages. Price 20 euro.

The book ANTIQUE FIREARMS By FREDERICK WILKINSON. 276 pages. Price 25 euro.

The book 200 YEARS OF AMERICAN FIREARMS By James E. Serven Edited by J. Schroeder, Jr. 224 pages. Price 20 euro.

The book Die Colt Revolver im System Single Action und ihr Zubehör. Zur Modell-bestimmung 1836-1895 by Claus Hager. 275 pages. Price 40 euro.

The book DER PEACEMAKER Colt's 1873er SINGLE ACTION by Günther Schmitt. Without dusk jacket. 124 pages. Price 30 euro
The book De wereld van Wapens by Richard Akehurst, 127 pages. Price 20 euro

The rare book FOUR CENTURIES OF LIEGE GUNMAKING by CLAUDE GAIER. English version, 287 pages. Price 75 euro

The book ENCYCLOPEDIE VAN WAPENS, Een internationale encyclopedie van 5000 v.Chr tot 2000 n. Chr. 336 pages. Price 25 euro

The Book A GLOSSARY of the Construction, Decoration and Use of Arms and Armor by George Cameron Stone. 694 pages. Good condition. Price 40 euro

An unused Hermann-Historica & EHRL Auction Catalog Arms and Armour and several Antiques, 25 september 2020, 560 pages. Price 25 euro

The catalog Little John's Auction Servive Important Firearms Auction august 30th 2006 session III. 200 pages. Price 20 euro.

DWJ Jahrbuch 1967, 32 mm thick, Price 25 euro

DWJ Jahrbuch 1 (1965), 23 mm thick, Price 25 euro

The book Guns Illustrated 1976, 290 pages. Price 15 euro

The book Führer zu Militaria und Waffensammlungen, from DWJ, 210 pages. Price 10 euro

The unused book, Catalogue of Firearms, Swords and Related Objects. Volume 1 Parts 2 of The Visser Collection, 753 pages. Price 125 euro

The book Antique Guns by Hank Wieand Bowman (1953), 144 pages. Price 15 euro

A very interesting Lot of 175 German Catalogues Orden und Ehrenzeichen from Graf Klenau of the sixties till eighties, Total price 175 euro.
A very interesting Lot of 38 Auction Catalogs of Coins from several Auction Houses between 1975 and 1995. Total 40 euro

The unused book Armes et Armures de la coronne au musee del'armee, in luxe box, 341 pages. Price 75 euro

The unused book The Gunfounders of England by Ffoulkes. 133 pages. Price 40 euro

The unused book Automatische Legergeweren by A.E.Hartink, 318 pages. Price 10 euro

Geïllustreerde automatische legergeweren encyclopedie by A.E Hartink. 319 pages, with duskjacket. In very good condition. Price 18 euro

Geweren en Karabijnen encyclopedie by A.E Hartink. 316 pages, with duskjacket. In very good condition. Price 18 euro

The book The spring 2012 London Parks Lane Arms Fair, 120 pages. Price 25 euro

The book The art of the armourer, 105 pages. Price 20 euro

The two books Geschichte und Technik der Europaise Militair Revolver,by Muller (2 bands total 1205 pages) Price 395 euro

The book Gewehre, Pistole, Revolver by Muller, 225 pages. Price 30 euro

The book The age of firearms by Held, 190 pages. Price 15 euro

The book Histoire des armes a feu by Lindsay, 280 pages. Price 40 euro

The book Guns Illustrated 1975, 285 pages. Price 15 euro

The book Lifton Studio Inc 120 pages, price 15 euro

The book Weapons - An international encyclopedia from 5000 BC to 2000 AD, 30 pages. Price 25 euro

The book Small Arms of the World by Ezell, 891 pages. Price 55 euro

The book Firearms by Ricketts, 128 pages. Price 20 euro

The book The illustrated encyclopedia of firearms by Hogg, 325 pages. Without dust jacket. Price 20 euro

The book Le guide des collection D'Armes de Pong by Caranta/Cadoou, 273 pages. Price 60 euro

The book (copy) Deutsches Klingenarchief by Heinz Hutner, 245 pages. Price 15 euro

The book Kanonen by Egg, 220 pages. Price 50 euro (without dust jacket)

The book Waffen und Rustungen by Wilkinson. 135 pages. Price 20 euro

The book Historische Waffen Gotha Museum, 72 pages. Price 10 euro

The book British Cut and Thrust Weapons by Wilkinson/Latham, 112 pages. (without dust jacket) Price 25 euro

The book The Lyle official Arms and Armour review 1980, 415 pages. Price 20 euro

The book The Lyle official Arms and Armour review 1977, 348 pages. Price 20 euro

The book Combat Digest by Jan Boger, 200 pages. Price 15 euro

The unused book Waffen & Kaliber by Roland Zeitler, 320 pages. Price 30 euro

The unused book Alles over Jachtgeweren by Jean Berton, 168 pages. Price 20 euro

The unused book Famous Rifles & Machineguns by Cormack, 1977, 160 pages. Price 20 euro.

The unused book The Parker Gun by Larry L. Baer, 1980, 196 pages. Price 30 euro.

The unused book Combat-Schiess-Technik by Siegfried F. Hübner, 1971, 253 pages. Price 15 euro.

The book The illustrated encyclopedia of Firearms by Hogg, 320 pages. Price30 euro

The book Gefáhrlich und schön, Kunstdsammlungen Veste Coburg 1996, 362 pages. Price 50 euro

The book Firearms of the Prince os Lichtenstein. 40 pages. ( Page 26/27 damaged by cutting out a picture) Price 15 euro

The book La Passion der Armes a Feu, by Rosa & May, 97 pages. Price 30 euro

The unused book of An Illustrated History of Arms and Armour by Ashdown, reprint of 1908, 384 pages. Price 55 euro

The book Harnische by Bruno Thomas, 1947, 78 pages.Without dust jacket.Price 35 euro

The book Arms trough the ages by Reid, 280 pages. Price 40 euro

The book Foreigh Armour in England by J.Starkie Gardner 1898, 96 pages. Price 120 euro

The book Pictorial History of the Rifle by G.W.P.Swenson, 1971, 182 pages. Price 40 euro

The book Small Arms of the World by Smith, 768 pages. Price 50 euro.

The book European Firearms , Victoria and Albert Museum, 1955, 65 pages. Price 35 euro

The book Les Armes a Feu Anciennes by J.F.Hayward, Part 1, 1500 - 1660 , 1963, 429 pages. Price 50 euro

The book Les Armes a Feu by J.F.Hayward, Part 2, 1963, 1660 - 1830, 550 pages. Price 75 euro

The unused book Le Grand Siecle des Armes a Feu by Bognanovic-Valencak, 280 pages. Price 50 euro

The unused book Armes a Feu by Peterson, 265 pages. Price 40 euro

The unused book Armes a Feu de XIXe Siecle by Myat, 215 pages. Price 30 euro

The unused book The Illustrated Encyclopedia of 19th Century Firearms by Myat, 215 pages. Without duskjacket Price 25 euro

The book Armes a Feu Anciennes by Durdik, Mudra and Sada, 255 pages, Price 30 euro

Guns by Dudley Pope, 255 pages. Price 30 euro

Guns by Dudley Pope, 255 pages. Without dust jacket. Price 25 euro

The book "Les armes a feu", 256 pages. Price 45 euro

Park Lane Arms Fair 2008, 85 pages. Price 25 euro

Park Lane Armsfair 204, 58 pages. Price 20 euro

The book of guns & gunsmiths. 255 pages. Price 25 euro

Arms and armor Annual, 320 pages. Price 30 euro

The unused book Kalasnikov geweer zonder grenzen, 2003, 125 pages. Price 20 euro

The book Firearms by Frederick Wilkinson, 80 pages. Price 20 euro

The book Die schonsten Waffen und Rustungen, 251 pages without dust jacket. Price 55 euro

The book Sammlung Carl Beck Sursee, 114 pages. Price 25 euro

The book Musters ARM INDEX, Ergebnnisse Europäise Waffen- und Militaria-Auktionen, Band 1, Journal Verlag 1980, 425 pages. Price 30 euro

The book Musters ARM INDEX, Ergebnnisse Europäise Waffen- und Militaria-Auktionen, Band 1, Journal Verlag 1980, 425 pages. Price 40 euro

The book Les Armes a Feu by Howard Ricketts, 128 pages. Price 10 euro

The unused book "Encyclopedia of Rifles & Handguns", 160 pages.Price 25 euro

The book "Guns & Gun Collecting", 128 pages. Price 35 euro

The book of "The Pleasure of Guns"by Rosa/May, 96 pages. Price 25 euro

The book "The Illustrated book of Guns and Rifles by Wilkinson, 191 pages. Price 35 euro

The book "Antique Guns and Gun Collecting by Wilkinson, 95 pages. Price 30 euro

The book Early Percussion Firearms by Winant, 190 pages and 80 pages pictures. Price 40 euro

The unused book The World Finest Sporting Guns by Howard Blackmore, 88 illustrated pages. Price 35 euro

The book "Le grand livre des fusils", 188 pages. Price 25 euro

The catalog Auktionshaus Mervelder Hof, 1. Internationale Historische waffen-auktion 16. Mai 2009. 208 pages. Price 20 euro.

The catalog Historische Waffen Júrgen Fricker 1982/8, 321 pages, Price 10 euro

Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft für historische Waffen- und Kostümkunde. 1960, Heft 1. Price 20 euro

Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft für historische Waffen- und Kostümkunde. 1961, Heft 2. Price 20 euro

Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft für historische Waffen- und Kostümkunde. 1962, Heft 1. Price 20 euro

Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft für historische Waffen- und Kostümkunde. 1962, Heft 2. Price 20 euro

Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft für historische Waffen- und Kostümkunde. 1972, Heft 2. Price 20 euro

Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft für historische Waffen- und Kostümkunde, 1973 Heft 1. Price 20 euro

Auction Catalog Die Waffenbestande der Firma Kahlert Berlin 17 juni 1940, 70 pages. Damage on backsite cover. Price 45 euro

The catalog HESSINK'S THOR Historische Wapens & Uitrustingstukken. januari 2007. 422 Pages. Price 20 euro.

The unused Hassinks's Catalog 6 december 2008, 195 pages. Price 25 euro

The unused Hessink's Catalog 30 may 2009, 210 pages. Price 25 euro

The unused Hessink's Catalog maart 2008, 175 pages, Price 20 euro

A&M Catalog 23 oktober 2012, 50 pages. Price 20 euro

Kube Catalog 12 mai 2012 180 pages. Price 15 euro

The unused catalogue Landshuter Rüstkammer, 26 Februar 2016. Price 15,- euro

Unused MASSOL Catalog oct 2003, 35 pages. Price 20 euro

Unused MASSOL Catalog 30 nov 2005, 53 pages. Price 20 euro

Unused MASSOL catalog 27 mars 2002, 45 pages. Price 20 euro

Unused MASSOLCatalog 13 febr 2004, 45 pages. Price 20 euro

Unused MASSOL Catalog 10 mai 2006, 40 pages. Price 20 euro

Unused Bruun Rasmussen Catalog 29 november 2005, 125 pages. Price 20 euro

Unused Bruun Rasmussen Catalog, june 2007, 155 pages. Price 20 euro

Unused Bruun Rasmussen Catalog december 2007, 140 pages. Price 20 euro

Unused ADER Catalog 1 juni 2006, 44 pages. Price 20 euro

Unused Digard Catalog 1 juni 2007, 48 pages, Price 15 euro

Unused Digard Catalog 6 februari 2009, 32 pages. Price 15 euro

Unused Digard Catalog 12 februari 2008, 40 pages, Price 20 euro

Mars & Merkur Catalog 23 mai 1987, 80 pages. Price 20 euro

Neetesonne Catalog No 243 - 1968, 80 pages. Price 20 euro

The Walpole Galeries Catalog 15 oktober 1926, 43 pages. Price 20 euro

Osenat Catalog 3 april 2011, 140pages. Price 20 euro

Unused Osenat Catalog 14 juni 2003. 135 pages. Price 25 euro

Unused Osenat Catalog 17 november 2002, 150 pages. Price 25 euro

Unused Piasa Catalog 15 november 2000, 65 pages. Price 20 euro

Unused Glendings Catalog 2 july 1998, 78 pages. Price 20 euro

Unused Glendings Catalog 15 july 1999, 77 pages. Price 20 euro

Unused Glendings Catalog 22 march 2000, 72 pages. Price 20 euro

Unused Glendings Catalog 26 march 1998, 70 paes. Price 20 euro

The catalog FERRI 15 december 2006, the famous Collection Draeger, 130 pages. Price 40 euro

Thomas der Mar catalog 26 june 2007, 250 pages. Price 30 euro

Thomas Del Mar Catalog 29 june 2016, 176 pages. Price 20 euro

Unused Thomas Del Mar Catalog 25 june 2008, 240 pages. Price 30 euro

Unused Thomas Del Mar Catalog 3 december 2014, 255 pages. Price 25 euro

The catalog Olympia Auctions Thomas Del Mar Ltd, Antique Arms, Armour & Militaria London Wednesday 30th June 2021. 200 pages. Price 25 euro

Peter Finer catalog 1995, 160 pages, Price 60 euro

Stockholms Auktionsverket Catalog 6 oktober 2004, 81 pages. Price 20 euro

Stockholms Auktionsverket Catalog 6 mars 2005, 93 pages. Price 20 euro

Stockholms Auktionsverket Catalog 7 mars 2005, 50 pages. Price 20 euro

Stockholms Auktionsverket Catalog 6 mars 2006, 85 pages. Price 20 euro

Stockholms Auktionsverket Catalog 8 oktober 2006, 120 pages. Price 25 euro

Stockholms Auktionsverket Catalog 10 december 2007, 101 pages. Price 20 euro

Stockholms Auktionsverket Catalog 11 juni 2008, 82 pages. Price 20 euro

Stockholms Auktionsverket Catalog 8 december 2008, 68 pages. Price 20 euro

Unused Czerny's Catalog 27 may 2006, Part 1, 405 pages. Price 25 euro

Unused Czerny's Catalog 27 may 2006, Part 1, 405 pages. Price 45 euro together with Part 2 of 28 may 2006.

Unused Czerny's catalog 28 may 2006, Part 2, 238 pages. Price 45 euro together with Part 1 of 27 may 2006.

Czerny's Catalog 25 november 2007, 420 pages. Price 35 euro

Czerny's Catalog 2/3 december 2006, 660 pages. Price 50 euro

Unused Czerny's catalog 8 juni 2008, 380 ppages. Price 30 euro

Czerny's Catalog 7 juni 2008, 340 pages. Price 30 euro

Czerny's Catalog 17th october 2008. The Baron von Weyhe Collection. 367 pages. Price 40,- euro

Unused Czerny's catalog 15 march 2009 (collectie Baron von Weyhe), 390 pages. Price 40 euro

Czerny's Catalog 14 march 2009 (Tirri collection) 395 pages. Price 40 euro

The unused Czerny's Catalog 25/25 october 2009, 630 pages. Price 50 euro

Von Morenberg Catalog 27 ottobre 2007, 290 pages. Price 25 euro

Unused Artcurial Catalog 16 mars 2006, 50 pages. Price 20 euro

Fischer Catalog 22 juni 1966, 38 pages. Price 45 euro

Fischer Catalog 2 juli 1969, 30 x 23 cm, 50 pages. Price 45 euro

Fischer Catalog 3 december 1969, 30 x 23 cm, 50 pages. Price 45 euro

The Fischer catalog 1 december 1971, 30 x 23 cm, 60 pages. Price 45 euro

Fischer Catalog 23 juni 1971, 30 x 23 cm, 44 pages. Price 45 euro

Fischer catalog 29 november 1972, 30 x 23 cm, 27 pages text and 28 pages pictures. Price 45 euro

Fischer catalog 4 juli 1973, 30 x 23 cm, 42 pages text and 33 pages pictures. Price 45 euro

Fischer Catalog 24 juni 1974, 95 pages. Price 20 euro

Fischer Catalog 20 juni 1991, 300 pages. Price 25 euro

Fischer catalog 11 juni 1992, 214 pages text and 78 pages pictures. Price 25 euro

Fischer catalog 17 september 1999, 150 pages text and 70 pages pictures. Price 30 euro

Fischer catalog 17 juni 1994, 289 pages text and 101 pages pictures. Price 30 euro

Unused Fischer Catalog 6 oktober 1995, 380 pages.Price 30 euro

Fischer Catalog 18 september 1997, 345 pages. Price 30 euro

Fischer catalog 22 oktober 1998, 241 pages text and 135 pages pictures. Price 30 euro

Fischer catalog 22 juni 2000, 209 pages text and 111 pages pictures. Price 30 euro

Fischer catalog 4 december 2001 Collectie Markes, 313 pages text/pictures. Price 30 euro

Fischer catalog 26 september 2002, 200 pages text and 172 pages pictures. Price 30 euro

Fischer catalog 11 september 2003, 209 pages text and 184 pages pictures. Price 30 euro

Fischer catalog 9 september 2004, 272 pages text and 184 pages pictures. Price 30 euro

Fischer Catalog 13/14 sept 2012, 300 pages. Price 30 euro

Fische catalog 7 september 2006, 335 pages text and 195 pages pictures. Price 30 euro

Fischer Catalog 6 september 2007, 192 pages text and 72 pages pictures. Price 20 euro

Fischer Catalog 11 serptember 2008, 248 pages text and 201 pages pictures. Price 30 euro

Unused Fischer Catalog 12 sept 2013, 230 pages. Price 25 euro

The unused Fischer Catalog 10/11 september 2015, 450 pages. Price 30 euro

Butterfield Catalog 22-27 march 2002, 220 pages. Price 25 euro

Butterfield Catalog 11-12 jun 2002, 190 pages. Price 25 euro

Thierry de Maigret catalog 24 avril 2003, 48 pages. Price 20 euro

Thierry de Maigret catalog 12 mars 2004, 98 pages. Price 25 euro

Thierry de Maigret catalog 12 octobre 2006, 108 pages. Price 25 euro

Thierry de Maigret catalog 31 mars 2006, 70 pages. Price 25 euro

Unused Thierre de Maigret Catalog 17 nov 2004, 46 pages. Price 20 euro

Bonhams Catalog, 1 april 2004, 150 pages, Price 20 euro

Bonhams Auction Catalog 29 july 2004, 135 pages. Price 20 euro

Bonhams Catalog 2 december 2004, 140 pages, Price 20 euro

Bonhams Catalog 14 april 2005, 100 pages. Price 25 euro

Bonhams Catalog 21 june 2005, 42 pages. Price 15 euro

Bonhams Catalog 2 august 2005, 40 pages . Price 15 euro

Bonhams Catalog, 6 april 2006, 130 pages, Price 20 euro

Bonhams catalog 27 july 2006, 158 pages. Price 25 euro

Bonhams unused catalog 30 november 2006, 125 pages. Price 25 euro

Bonhams Catalog 4 april 2007, 150 pages. Price 25 euro

Bonhams Catalog 16 april 2007, 25 pages . Price 20 euro

The unused Bonhams Catalog 1 december 2009, 200 pages. Price 30 euro

Bonhams catalog 23 april 2008, 186 pages. Price 20 euro

Bonhams Catalog 23 july 2008, 115 pagen. Price 25 euro

The unused Bonhams Catalog 20 july 2011, 130 pages. Price 25 euro

The unused Bonhamd Catalog 30 november 2011, 320 pages, Price 40 euro

Bonhams Catalog 5 deec 2012, 110 pages. Price 25 euro

Picard Drouot Paris catalog 18 oktober 1993 from the famous Grosjean collection, 88 pages. Price 35 euro

Gimbel Brothers New York catalog 1945, 124 pages. Price 25 euro

Christie's 8 july 1970, 57 pages. Price 25 euro

Christie's catalog Winsbury Collection 27 june 1973, 95 pages. Price 30 euro

The unused Christie's catalog Roma 11 giugno 1973, 60 pages. Price 20 euro

Christie's Catalog 20 november 1974, 28 pages. Price 15 euro

Christie's Catalog march 6 1974, 70 pages. Price20 euro

Christie's 18 december 1974, 74 pages. Price 20 euro

Christie's Catalog 20 december 1978, 60 pages. Price 20 euro

Christie's 19 february 1975, 54 pages. Price 15 euro

Christie's Catalog 23 oktober 1974, 48 pages. Price 15 euro

Christie's 9 april 1975, 40 pages. Price 15 euro

Christie's 11 december 1975, 54 pages. Price 20 euro

Christie's 14 may 1975, 55 pages. Price 20 euro

Christie's 17 july 1975, 39 pages. Price 15 euro

Christie's Catalog 1 august 1979, 32 pages. Price 15 euro

Christie's Catalog 17 april 1974, 50 pages. Price 15 euro

Christie's Catalog 21 july 1976, 50 pages. Price 20 euro

Christie's 13 october 1975, 40 pages. Price 15 euro

Christie's 14 december 1976, 24 pages. Price 15 euro

Christie's Catalog Roma 29 marzo 1976, 32 pages. Price 20 euro

Christie's 3 june1976, 73 pages. Price 20 euro

Christie's Catalog 8 december 1976, 50 pages. Price 20 euro

Christie's Geneve 9 november 1976, 72 pages. Price 20 euro

Christie's 25 february 1976, 55 pages. Price 20 euro

Christie's 20 october 1976, 60 pages. Price 20 euro

Christie's 16 june 1976, 58 pages. Price 20 euro

Christie's 14 april 1976, 37 pages. Price 15 euro

Christie's 21 june 1976, 55 pages. Price 20 euro

Christie's Catalog 5 july 1978, 70 pages. Price 30 euro

Christie's 19 october 1977, 58 pages. Price 20 euro

Christies catalog 15 june 1977, 54 pages. Price 20 euro

Christie's 13 july 1977, 71 pages. Price 20 euro

Christie's 20 april 1977, 58 pages. Price 20 euro

Christie's 21 december 1977, 80 pages. Price 25 euro

Christie's 16 februari 1977, 51 pages. Price 20 euro

Christie's Catalog 7 april 1982, 46 pages. Price 20 euro

Christie's Catalog 15 december 1982, 42 pages. Price 20 euro

Christie's Catalog 14 december 1983, 44 pages. Price 20 euro

Christie's Catalog Rome 16 march 1978, 58 pages. Price 20 euro

Christie's 15 february 1978, 45 pages. Price 15 euro

Christie's 7 june 1978, 71 pages. Price 20 euro

Christie's 24 october 1979, 57 pages. Price 20 euro

Christie's 12 april 1978, 71 pages. Price 20 euro

The Sotheby's catalogue Tuesday, 16th December, 1975. 28 pages. Price 15 euro

Christie's Catalog 7 may 1981, 40 pages. Price 20 euro

Christie's 19 july 1978, 52 pages. Price 20 euro

Christie'Catalog 20 may 1980, 96 pages. Price 25 euro

Christie's Catalog 25 july 1984, 50 pages. Price 20 euro

Christie's Catalog Amsterdam 28 september 1982, 45 pages. Price 20 euro

Chrostie's Catalog 20 october 1982, 42 pages, Price 15 euro

Christie's 7 june 1979, 35 pages. Price 15 euro

Christie's Catalog 29 oktober 1986, 67 pages. Price 20 euro

Christie's 7 march 1979, 42 pages. Price 15 euro

The unused Cristie's catalog may 23, 1979,32 pages. Price 15 euro

Christie's Catalog 19 dec 1984, 40 pages. Price 20 euro

Christie's Catalog 20 november 1985, 45 pages. Price 20 euro

Christie's Catalog 13 novemver 1985, 77 pages. Price 20 euro

Christie's 10 july 1985, 54 pages. Price 20 euro

Christie's Catalog10 julky 2000, 63 pages, Price 20 euro

Christie's 14 november 1984, 100 pages. Price 20 euro

Christie's Catalog 8 oktober 1985, 77 pages. Price 20 euro

Christie's Catalog 27 september 1995, 78 pages. Price 20 euro

Christie's Catalog 30 april 1986, 67 pages. Price 20 euro

Christie's catalog 9 december 1988, 61 pages. Price 20 euro

Christie's Catalog 1 may 1985, 50 pages, Price 20 euro

Christie's Catalog 3 july 1991., 108 pages. Price 20 euro

Christie's Catalog 5 april 1989, 48 pages. Price 20 euro

Christie's Catalog 27 april 1988, 93 pages. Price 20 euro

Christie's Catalog 31 march 1993, 85 pages. Price 20 euro

Christie's 22 july 1992, 95 pages. Price 20 euro

Christie's Catalog 16 june 1993, 92 pages. Price 20 euro

Christie's Catalog 24 april 2001, 116 pages. Price 25 euro

Christie's Catalog 2 november 2005, 62 pages. Price 20 euro

Christie's Catalog 27 october 1993, 75 pages. Price 25 euro

Christie's Catalog 18 june 2009, 48 pages. Price 20 euro

Christie's Catalog 29 march 1995, 86 pages. Price 20 euro

Christie's Catalog 27 october 1993, 98 pages. Price 25 euro

Christie's 18 may 1994, 87 pages. Price 20 euro

Christie's Catralog 23 november 2004, 50 pages. Price 15 euro

Christie's Catalog 20 november 1996, 132 pages. Price 25 euro

Christie's Catalog 11 december 1996, 65 pages. Price 20 euro

Christie's Catalog 16 july 1997, 69 pages. Price 20 euro

Christie's Catalog 15 july 1998, 111 pages. Price 25 euro

Christie's Catalog 9 december 1998, 130 pages. Price 25 euro

Christie's Catalog 16 december 1999, 115 pages. Price 25 euro

Cristie's Catalog 4 april 2003, 292 pages. Price 40 euro

Christie's Catalog 15 july 1999, Rothschild Collection, 140 pages. Price 35 euro

Christie's Catalog 12 december 1997, 150 pages. Price 30 euro

Christie's 12 july 2000, 115 pages. Price 20 euro

Christies 19 july 2001, 85 pages. Price 20 euro

Christie's 16 december 2002, 118 pages. Price 25 euro

Christie's 16 july 2003, 104 pages. Price 20 euro

Christie's Catalog 16 december 2003, 70 pages. Price 20 euro

Christie's Catalog 27 june 2007, 220 pages (Works of Art and 2 miniature armour). Price 20 euro

Christies's Catalog 20 september 2007, 120 pages. Price 25 euro

Christie's Catalog 12 december 2006, 165 pages. Price 30 euro

Christie's catalog 21 may 2008, 92 pages. Price 20 euro

The unused catalog Christie's 17-12-2008, 112 pages. Price 20 euro

Christie's unused Auction catalog 30 september 2010, 84 pages. Price 20 euro

Christie's Catalog 30 november 2009, 42 pages. Price 20 euro

Sotheby's Catalog 16 april 1974, 55 pages. Price 15 euro

Christie's unused Catalog 23 november 2011, 80 pages. Price 20 euro

Unused Christie's Catalog 26 september 2012, 88 pages. Price 20 euro

Christie's Catalog 4 april 2012, 190 pages. Price 25 euro

Christie's Catalog 30 april 2013, 78 pages. Price 20 euro

Unused Christie's Catalog 25 june 2013, 112 pages. Price 25 euro

Sotheby's catalog 15 june 1970, 30 pages, Price 15 euro

Sotheby's catalog 12 october 1970, 85 pages. Price 25 euro

Sotheby's Catalog 19 july 1971, 65 pages. Price 20 euro

Sotheby's Catalog 11 october 1971, 60 pages. Price 20 euro

Sotheby's catalog 21 november 1972, 60 pages, price 20 euro

The Sotheby's catalog 19 march 1973, , 60 pages. Price 20 euro

Sotheby's Catalog 21 may 1974, 40 pages, Price 15 euro

Sotheby's Catalog 21 februari 1972, 48 pages. Price 20 euro

Sotheby's Catalog 17 december 1973, 100 pages, Price 20 euro

Sotheby's Catalog 18 june 1974, 20 pages. Price 15 euro

Sotheby's Catalog 8 oktober 1973 , 60 pages. Price 15 euro

Sotheby's Catalog 15 april 1975, 23 pages, Price 15 euro

Sotheby's Catalog 18 march 1975, Rewick Collection Part 9, 60 pages. Price 20 euro

Sotheby's catalog 12 februari 1974, 35 pages. Price 15 euro

Sotheby's catalog 15 october 1974, 60 pages. Price 20 euro

Sotheby's catalog 15 july 1975, 41 pages (damage, one picture page missing) Price 10 euro

Sotheby's Catalog, 13 may 1975, 18 pages. Price 15 euro

Sotheby's Catalog 21 may 1974, 45 pages. Price 15 euro

Sotheby's Catalog 21 mai 1974 Counts von Giech Collection. 84 pages, Price 20 euro

Sotheby's Catalog 10 february 1976, 20 pages. Price 15 euro

Sotheby's Catalog 3 april 1978, 90 pages. Price 20 euro

Sotheby's Catalog 23 july 1974. Renwick Collection Part 7, 70 pages. Price 20 euro

Sotheby's catalog 14 october 1975, 39 pages. Price 15 euro

The unused Sotheby's catalog 17 june 1975, 54 pages. Price 20 euro

Sotheby's Catalog 12 april 1976, 94 pages. Price 20 euro

The unused Sotheby's catalog17 june 1975 (Renwick-Collection) 10 pages. Price 10 euro

Sotheby's Catalog 14 april 1975, 130 pages (some pictures missing) Price 10 euro

Sotheby's Los Angeles Catalog 14 april 1975,130 pages. Price 20 euro

The Sotheby's catalog 13 may 1975, 46 pages. Price 15 euro

Sotheby's Catalog 23 april 1979, 85 pages. Price 20 euro

Sotheby's Catalog 1 november 1983, 55 pages, Price20 euro

Sotheby's catalog 18 march 1975, 34 pages. Price 15 euro

Sotheby's catalog 11 februari 1975, 49 pages. Price 15 euro

Sotheby's Catalog 15 october 1974, 60 pages. Price 15 euro

Sotheby's Catalog 15 may 1984. 52 pages. Price 20 euro

Sotheby's catalog 16 december 1975, 27 pages. Price 15 euro

Sotheby's Catalog 18 june 1973, 41 pages. Price 15 euro

Sotheby's catalog 14 december 1976, 23 pages. Price 15 euro

Sotheby's catalog 10 februari 1976, 20 pages. Price 15 euro

Sotheby's Catalog 22 march 1971, 55 pages, price 20 euro

Sotheby's catalog 18 may 1976, 23 pages. Price 15 euro

Sotheby's Catalog 17 june 1975, 55 pages. Price 20 euro

Sotheby's Catalog 2 may 1977, 75 pages. Price 20 euro

Sotheby's Catalog 17 december 1974, 65 pages, Price 20 euro

Sotheby's catalog 6 april 1976, 19 pages. Price 15 euro

Sotheby's catalog 22 november 1976, 25 pages. Price 15 euro

Sotheby's Catalog 1 november 1983, 55 pages. Price 20 euro

Sotheby's Catalog 26 februari 1980, 45 pages. Price 20 euro

Sotheby's catalog 16 november 1976, 25 pages. Price 15 euro

Sotheby's catalog 15 februari 1977, 34 pages. Price 15 euro

Sotheby's catalog 18 ocrober 1977, 35 pages. Price 15 euro

Sotheby's Catalog 19 april 1977, 33 pages. Price 15 euro

Sotheby's Catalog 17 june 1980, 28 pages. Price 20 euro

Sotheby's Catalog 1 april 1980, 44 pages. Price 20 euro

Sotheby's Catalog 20 december 1977, 36 pages. Price 15 euro

Sotheby's Catalog 23 may 1978, 51 pages. Price 20 euro

Sotheby's catalog 23 march 1970, 765 pages, price 30 euro

Sotheby's catalog 19 december 1978, 44 pages. Price 15 euro

Sotheby's catalog 17 may 1977, 35 pages. Price 15 euro

The Sotheby's catalog 14 february 1978, 30 pages. Price 15 euro

The Sotheby's catalog 25 july 1978, 39 pages. Price 15 euro

Sotheby's catalog 17 october 1978, 37 pages. Price 15 euro

Sotheby's catalog 31 july 1979, 67 pages. Price 20 euro

Sotheby's catalog 24 april 1979, 66 pages. Price 20 euro

Sotheby's Belgravia Catalog 5 oktober`1979, 88 pages. Price 20 euro

Sotheby's catalog 9 july 1979, 70 pages. Price 15 euro

Sotheby's catalog 30 october 1979, 22 pages. Price 15 euro

Sotheby's catalog 22 may 1979, 44 pages. Price 20 euro

Sotheby's catalog 13 fevruari 1979, 34 pages.Price 15 euro

Sotheby's Catalog 1 april 1980, 43 pages. Price 20 euro

Sotheby's Catalogus, 22 april 1980, 60 pages, Price 20 euro

Sotheby's Catalog 20 may 1980, 98 pages, price 25 euro

Sotheby's Catalog 17 june 1980, 40 pages. Price 20 euro

Sotheby's catalog 29 july 1980, 70 pages. Price 20 euro

Sotheby's Catalog 16 december 1980. 65 pages. Price 20 euro

Sotheby's catalog 23 april 1981, 55 pages. Price 15 euro

Sotheby's Catalog 16 june 1981, 40 pages, Price 20 euro

Sotheby's Catalog 14 oktober 1980, 50 pages. Price 20 euro

Sotheby,s Catalog 1 nov 1983, 35 pages, price 20 euro

Sotheby's Catalog 6 october 1981, 49 pages. Price 15 euro

Sotheby's Catalog 20 april 1982, 70 pages. Price 20 euro

Sotheby's Catalog 23 november 1982, 50 pages. Price 20 euro

Sotheby's Catalogus 3 march 1983, 35 pages, Price 15 euro

Sotheby's catalog 27 september 1983, 58 pages. Price 20 euro

Sotheby's catalog 31 january 1984, 38 pages . Price 20 euro

Sotheby's catalog 31 july 1984, 42 pages. Price 15 euro

Sotheby's catalog 6 november 1985, 90 pages. Price 20 euro

Sotheby's catalog 15 may 1986, 40 pages. Price 20 euro

Sotheby's Catalog 4 march 1987, 91 pages. Price 20 euro

The Sotheby's catalog 29 oktober 1987, 65 pages. Price 10 euro

Sotheby's catalog 1 july 1987, 100 pages.Price 20 euro

Sotheby's Catalog 26 april 1988, 85 pages. Price 20 euro

Sotheby's catalog 8 december 1988, 130 pages. Price 20 euro

Sotheby's catalog 11 may 1989, 160 pages. Price 20 euro

Sotheby's Catalog 24 july 1995, 100 pages. Price 20 euro

Sotheby's catalog 12 september 1989, 117 pages. Prices 20 euro

Sotheby's New York Catalog (partly arms) 9 januari 1990, 200 pages. Price 25 euro

Sotheby's catalog 8 february 1990, 120 pages. Price 20 euro

Sotheby's catalog 28 june 1990, 135 pages. Price 20 euro

The unused Sotheby's catalog The Visser Collection Part 1, 3 july 1990. 180 pages. Price 100 euro

The unused Sotheby's catalog The Visser Collection Part 2 , 3 june 1991. 180 pages. Price 100 euro

Sotheby's catalog 18 december 1990, 190 pages. Price 20 euro

Sotheby's catalog 18 december 1991, 64 pages. Price 15 euro

Sotheby's catalog 25 july 1991, 120 pages. Price 20 euro

Sotheby's Catalog 1 december 1993, 146 pages. Price 20 euro

Sotheby's catalog 27september 1994, 75 pages. Price 20 euro

Sotheby's catalog New York 31 may 1995, 120 pages. Price 20 euro

Sotheby's catalog 24 july 1995, 110 pages. Price 20 euro

Sotheby's catalog 21 march 1995, 107 pages. Price 20 euro

Sotheby's catalog 25 november 1995, 157 pages. Price 20 euro

Sotheby's catalog 26 november 1996, 67 pages. Price 20 euro

The unused Sotheby's catalog 23/28 november 1996, 140 pages. Price 20 euro

Sotheby's catalog 15 july 1996, 97 pages. Price 20 euro

Sotheby's New York Catalog (partly arms) 31 januari 1997, 187 pages. Price 25 euro

Sothebys catalog 15 july 1997, 60 pages. Price 20 euro

Sotheby's New York Catalog (partly arms) 5 june 1997, 200 pages . Price 25 euro

The Sotheby's catalog, 26/26 june 1997, 68 pages. Price 15 euro

Sotheby's catalog 8 december 1997, 37 pages. Price 15 euro

Sotheby's catalog 25 march 1997, 53 pages .Price 15 euro

Sotheby's catalog 10 november 1997, 95 pages. Price 20 euro

Sotheby's catalog 29 january 1998, 222 pages (also antique furniture etc). Price 25 euro

Sotheby's catalog 27 april 1998, 73 pages. Price 15 euro

Sotheby's catalog 10 november 1998, 55 pages . Price 15 euro

Sotheby's catalog 13 july 1999, 51 pages. Price 15 euro

Sotheby's catalog 9 november 1999, 64 pages. Price 15 euro

Sotheby's catalog 14 december 1999, 100 pages . Price 20 euro

The Sotheby's catalog 26 november 1999, 76 pages. Price 10 euro

The unused Sotheby's catalog 9 may 2000, 140 pages. Price 20 euro

Sotheby's New York Catalog (partly arms) 17 october 2000, 168 pages. Price 25 euro

Sotheby's catalog 5 december 2000, 160 pages pages . Price 20 euro

Sotheby's catalog 14 december 2000, 185 pages. Price 20 euro

Sotheby's catalog 7 december 2001, 150 pages. Price 20 euro

Sotheby's Catalog 10 july 2002, 162 pages. Price 20 euro

Sotheby's Catalog 26 june 2003, 205 pages. Price 20 euro

Sotheby,s Catalog 4 december 2003, 136 pages. Price 20 euro

Sotheby's Catalog 30 june 2004, 135 pages. Price 20 euro

Sotheby's Catalog 15 december 2004, 135 pages. Price 20 euro

The Hermann Historica Auction Catalogue 6 March 1982, Price 15 euro

The Hermann Historica Auction Catalogue 12 June 1982. Price 15 euro.

The Hermann Historica Auction Catalogue 27 November 1982. Price 15 euro

The Hermann Historica Auction Catalogue 19 March 1983. Price 15 euro

The Hermann Historica Auction Catalogue 1 October 1983. Price 15 euro.

The Hermann Historica Auction Catalogue 3 December 1983. Price 15 euro

The Hermann Historica Auction Catalogue 19 May 1984. Price 15 euro.

The Hermann Historica catalog 22 sept 1984, 150 pages. Price 15 euro

The Hermann Historica catalog 8 dez 1984, 150 pages. Price 15 euro

Hermann Historica Catalog 30 marz 1985, 120 pages. Price 15 euro

Hermann Historica Catalog 29 juni 1985, 150 pages. Price 15 euro

Herman Historica Catalog 2 november 1985, 200 pages . Price 15 euro

The Hermann Historica Auction Catalogue 26 April 1986. Price 20 euro.

The Hermann Historica Auction Catalogue 25 October 1986. Price 25 euro

Hermann Historica Catalog 10 april 1987, 500 pages. Price 25 euro

Hermann Historice Catalog 7 november 1987, 600 pages. Price 25 euro

The Hermann Historica Auction Catalogue 22&23 April 1988. Price 25 euro

Hermann Historica Catalog 14 oktober 1988, 600 pages. Price 30 euro

The Hermann Historica catalog 13 mai 1989, 900 pages. Price 25 euro

Hermann Historica Catalog 10 november 1989, 700 pages. Price 30 euro

The Hermann Historica catalog 11 mai 1990, 900 pages. Price 25 euro

The Hermann Historica Auction Catalogue 10&11 May 1991. Price 25 euro

The Hermann Historica Auction Catalogue 25&26 October 1991. Price 25 euro

The Hermann Historica Auction Catalogue 8&9 May 1992. Price 25 euro

The Hermann Historica Auction Catalogue 16&17 October 1992. Price 25 euro

The Hermann Historica Auction Catalogue 23&24 April 1993. Price 25 euro

The Hermann Historica Auction Catalogue 21 October 1993. Price 10 euro

The Hermann Historica Auction Catalogue 21-23 October 1993. Price 25 euro

The Hermann Historica Auction Catalogue 13&14 May 1994. Price 25 euro

The Hermann Historica Auction Catalogue 14&15 October 1994. Price 25 euro

The Hermann Historica Auction Catalogue 26 May 1995. Price 25 euro

Hermann Historica catalog 22 november 1996, 131 pages. Price 15 euro

Hermann Historica Catalog 22 november 1996, 878 pages. Price 30 euro

Hermann Historica catalog 22 marz 1996, 912 pages. Price 25 euro

Hermann Historica catalog 23 oktober 1997, 487 pages. Price 25 euro

Hermann Historica catalog 15 oktober 1998, 263 pages. Price 20 euro

Hermann Historica catalog 16 oktober 1998, 45 pages, price 25 euro

Hermann Historica catalog 28 oktober 1999, 254 pages. Price 20 euro

Herman Historica Catalog 15 mai 1999, 252 pages . Price 20 euro

Herman Historica Catalog 19 oktober 2000, 324 pages. Price 20 euro

Herman Historica Catalog 19 mai 2001, 225 pages. Price 20 euro

Herman Historica Catalog 8 november 2001, 496 pages. Price 25 euro

The Hermann Historica Auction Catalogue 10 November 2001, 300 pages. Price 20 euro

Herman Historica Catalog 10 november 2001, 150 pages . Price 15 euro

Hermann Historica catalog 2 mai 2002, 400 pages. Price 25 euro

Herman Historica Catalog 16 oktober 2002, 420 pages . Price 25 euro

Herman Historica Catalog 17 oktober 2002, 315 pages. Price 20 euro

Hermann Historica Catalog 15 mai 2003, 200 pages. Price 20 euro

Herman Historica Catalog 16 mai 2003, 425 pages . Price 30 euro

Hermann Historica Catalog 14 oktober 2003, 360 pages. Price 20 euro

Unused Hermann Historica Catalog 2/3 mai 2007, 607 pages. Price 30 euro

Hermann Historica catalog 2003, 231 pages. Price 20 euro

Unused Hermann Historica Catalog 9 oktober 2008, 400 pages, Price30 euro

Hermann Historica Catalog 4 mai 2004, 470 pages. Price 25 euro

Herman Historica Catalog 13 oktober 2004, 450 pages . Price 30 euro

Hermann Historica Catalog 14 oktober 2004, 360 pages. Price 25 euro

Herman Historica Catalog 20 april 2005, 425 pages. Price 30 euro

Hermann Historica catalog 19 april 2005, 479 pages. Price 25 euro

Hermann Historica Catalog 20 oktober 2005, 460 pages. Price 30 euro

Hermann Historica catalog 19 oktober 2005, 350 pages. Price 30 euro

Hermann Historica Catalog 27 oktober 2011, 400 pages. Price 30 euro

Herman Historica Catalog 27 april 2006, 590 pages . Price 30 euro

Unused Hermann Historica Catalog 18 oktober 2002, 480 pages. Price 25 euro

Herman Historica Catalog 29 april 2006, 402 pages. Price 30 euro

Herman Historica Catalog 19 oktober 2006, 320 pages . Price 30 euro

Hermann Historica Catalog 15 oktober 2007, 570 pages. Price 30 euro

Hermann Historica Catalog 17 oktober 2007, 550 pages. Price 30 euro

Unused Hermann Historica Catalog 18 oktober 2006, 422 pages. Price 30 euro

Unused Hermann Historica Catalog 15/16 oktober 2003, 475 pages. Price 25 euro

Hermann Historica Catalog 7 april 2008, 417 pages. Price 30 euro

Hermann Historica Catalog 9 april 2008, 567 pages. Price 30 euro

Hermann Historica Catalog 7 okt 2008, 612 pages. Price 30 euro

Hermann Historica Catalog 23 april 2009, 570 pages. Price 30 euro

The Hermann Historica Auction Catalogue 12&13 November 2009, 354 pages. Price 25 euro

Hermann Historica Catalog 28 april 2011 Highlights, 150 pages, price 25 euro

The Hermann Historica Auction Catalogue 18 April 2016, 40 pages. Price 10 euro

The Hermann Historica Auction Catalogue 19 April 2016. 58 pages. Price 10 euro

Heubel Catalog 23 sept 1972, 40 pages. Price 15 euro

Heubel Catalog 6 april 1974, 40 pages. Price 15 euro

Heubel Catalog 22 jan 1972, 40 pages. Price 15 euro

Heubel Catalog 6/1973, 64 pages. Price 15 euro

Heubel Catalog 9/ 1979, 55 pages. Price 15 euro