The objects in this category are a part of our collection. If any items that interest you does not appear here please feel free to contact us.
A fine pair of antique probably Dutch 17th Century Bronze saluting Cannons dated 1669 with later Oak Carriage's with Brass and Copper mounts. Length of barrels 46cm, total length 82cm. Caliber 25mm. In very good condition. Price 8.500 euro.
An Antique 18th Century Bronze Indonesian Lantaka Cannon, caliber 35 mm, length 130 cm, in very good condition. Price 2.450,- euro
A fine antique 17th century small Bronze probably Russian cannon with unknown Coat of arms. Caliber 27mm, length 52 cm. In very good condition. Price 4750,- euro

A very nice Antique 18th century antique Dutch 1 pounder bronze cannon, caliber 5.3 cm, length of the barrel 120 cm. Price 15.000,- euro
A very nice antique 17th Century Dutch Bronze Cannon with the Coat of Arms of the "Graven van Holland", caliber 3 cm, length of the barrel 65 cm, total length 115 cm. Price 11.500,- euro.
A very nice antique 18th century bronze Indonesian Lantaka Cannon, caliber 4.5 cm, length 165 cm, in very good condition. Price 6.400,- euro.

A very nice Antique 18th Century Eastern Bronze 1 Pounder Cannon, barrel length 130 cm, Provenance The Visser Collection. Price 8.500,- euro
Antique French Gunners Quadrant/Niveau de Pointage Model 1888-1900. In original case. In very good condition. Price 250 euro
A very nice Antique 18th Century Bronze Indonesian Lantaka Cannon, caliber 30 mm, length 120 cm, in very good condition. Price 1.950,- euro

A very nice Antique 17/18th Century Bronze Model Cannon on original carriage, length of the barrel 41 cm, total length 82 cm, in very good condition. Price 4.950 euro

Our collection antique Arms and Armour. Onze collectie antieke Wapens en Wapenrustingen. Unsere Kollektion antike Waffen und RĂ¼stungen. Notre collection des Armes et Armures anciennes.
A scarce antique French Flintlock Cannon lock starter by Brignol A Paris from The Visser Collection.
A fine antique very scarce 17th Century Bronze Mortar Cannon on a later carriage, caliber 10,5 cm, length 36cm, in very good condition.